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 i'm the one not running but facing (wade)

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i'm the one not running but facing (wade) Empty
MessageSujet: i'm the one not running but facing (wade)   i'm the one not running but facing (wade) EmptyMer 1 Juin - 22:53

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▪ See the panic in my eyes Kiss me only when I cry  
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▪ Makes my heart beat like a drum  
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i'm the one not running but facing (wade) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: i'm the one not running but facing (wade)   i'm the one not running but facing (wade) EmptyMer 1 Juin - 22:53

je suis a la recherche de liens I love you
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i'm the one not running but facing (wade) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: i'm the one not running but facing (wade)   i'm the one not running but facing (wade) EmptyMer 1 Juin - 23:07

le futur beauf i'm the one not running but facing (wade) 723199007 i'm the one not running but facing (wade) 145873272
Un lien s'impose i'm the one not running but facing (wade) 194172559 bienvenue i'm the one not running but facing (wade) 1422390238
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i'm the one not running but facing (wade) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: i'm the one not running but facing (wade)   i'm the one not running but facing (wade) EmptyJeu 2 Juin - 19:33

avec plaisir pour le lien, merci I love you
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Tess Fawkes

Tess Fawkes

◇ REGISTRATION DATE : 29/05/2016

to do list:
availability: open.
beating heart :

i'm the one not running but facing (wade) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: i'm the one not running but facing (wade)   i'm the one not running but facing (wade) EmptyVen 3 Juin - 3:38

ohhh il nous en faudra un aussi du coup i'm the one not running but facing (wade) 723199007
bienvenue i'm the one not running but facing (wade) 1784228365
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Toby McGrath
you cut me deep, it hurt to feel
Toby McGrath

◇ REGISTRATION DATE : 25/05/2016

to do list:
beating heart :

i'm the one not running but facing (wade) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: i'm the one not running but facing (wade)   i'm the one not running but facing (wade) EmptyVen 3 Juin - 9:39

Munro, ça fait plaisir de le voir. i'm the one not running but facing (wade) 1311645651
(Je l'aimais tellement dans Degrassi i'm the one not running but facing (wade) 3568682798 i'm the one not running but facing (wade) 3568682798 )
Bienvenue parmi nous et courage pour ta fiche. i'm the one not running but facing (wade) 2441349457
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i'm the one not running but facing (wade) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: i'm the one not running but facing (wade)   i'm the one not running but facing (wade) EmptyVen 3 Juin - 22:54

baby broooooo, je viens enfin te souhaiter la bienvenue officiellement !! (mieux vaut tard que jamais i'm the one not running but facing (wade) 647160578 )
des bisous dans ta face de mini-Wilkes i'm the one not running but facing (wade) 3279415296
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Silas Levine

Silas Levine

◇ REGISTRATION DATE : 01/06/2016

to do list: stop being an asshole + find a job + write his second book + find olivia
availability: free. (3/3)
beating heart :

i'm the one not running but facing (wade) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: i'm the one not running but facing (wade)   i'm the one not running but facing (wade) EmptyDim 5 Juin - 11:01

bienvenue parmi nous I love you
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Gaggie Faust

Gaggie Faust

◇ REGISTRATION DATE : 29/05/2016

to do list: write a new chapter □ take a break □ move on to lyssa's home
availability: soon open - .../3
beating heart :

i'm the one not running but facing (wade) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: i'm the one not running but facing (wade)   i'm the one not running but facing (wade) EmptyDim 5 Juin - 11:06

munro + la famille i'm the one not running but facing (wade) 1881688468
bienvenue i'm the one not running but facing (wade) 590640078 i'm the one not running but facing (wade) 1784228365
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Toby McGrath
you cut me deep, it hurt to feel
Toby McGrath

◇ REGISTRATION DATE : 25/05/2016

to do list:
beating heart :

i'm the one not running but facing (wade) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: i'm the one not running but facing (wade)   i'm the one not running but facing (wade) EmptyMer 8 Juin - 15:30

ton délais pour ta fiche et ta réservation s'achève aujourd'hui. Tu peux demander un délais de trois jours supplémentaire pour la finir, si tu ne veux pas voir ta fiche archivée et ton compte supprimé.  i'm the one not running but facing (wade) 2193134034
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i'm the one not running but facing (wade) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: i'm the one not running but facing (wade)   i'm the one not running but facing (wade) Empty

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i'm the one not running but facing (wade)
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 :: - we learn to live right :: remember how lovely we are :: cause I don't want to have to let you go-
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