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 (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart

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(Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart Empty
MessageSujet: (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart   (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart EmptyMer 1 Juin - 20:08

Nom, Prénom
| Ooo it's getting louder at the lights, music clashing in the street, moon shining on the parking lot dolls
Tanned legs in the nights, sliding out of the sea, stilettos at the crosswalk

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▪ See the panic in my eyes Kiss me only when I cry  
Insérez ici les tics et manies de votre personnage, un minimum de dix points est demandé.  

▪ Makes my heart beat like a drum  
La partie histoire est facultative donc si vous n'en faites pas, il faudra un minimum de quinze lignes dans la partie "tic et manies". Vous pouvez présentez l'histoire de la manière que vous désirez ainsi que de l'agrémenter à votre façon.

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(Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart   (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart EmptyMer 1 Juin - 20:09

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(Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart   (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart EmptyMer 1 Juin - 20:09

La belle Sophie, bienvenue (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart 1802517304
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Tess Fawkes

Tess Fawkes

◇ REGISTRATION DATE : 29/05/2016

to do list:
availability: open.
beating heart :

(Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart   (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart EmptyMer 1 Juin - 20:14

SOPHIIIIIE (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart 197603780 (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart 197603780 (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart 2193134034 (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart 2193134034
c'est la queen (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart 3568682798
bienvenue (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart 194172559
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(Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart   (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart EmptyMer 1 Juin - 20:44

oh Daisy et Lizzie (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart 197603780 (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart 197603780 (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart 197603780
merci à vous deux (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart 3458018759 (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart 3458018759 (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart 1802517304
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Dani Bowman

Dani Bowman

◇ REGISTRATION DATE : 30/05/2016

(Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart   (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart EmptyMer 1 Juin - 20:55

Sophiiiie (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart 197603780 (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart 1311645651
Bienvenue I love you
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(Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart   (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart EmptyMer 1 Juin - 21:22

Pheebs (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart 197603780 (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart 197603780 (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart 197603780 ma déesse (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart 590640078
Merci I love you
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Toby McGrath
you cut me deep, it hurt to feel
Toby McGrath

◇ REGISTRATION DATE : 25/05/2016

to do list:
beating heart :

(Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart   (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart EmptySam 4 Juin - 18:08

SOPHIIIIIIIIIIIIE. (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart 3568682798 (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart 3458018759 (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart 1881688468
Bienvenue parmi nous et courage pour ta fiche. (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart 2441349457
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Silas Levine

Silas Levine

◇ REGISTRATION DATE : 01/06/2016

to do list: stop being an asshole + find a job + write his second book + find olivia
availability: free. (3/3)
beating heart :

(Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart   (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart EmptyDim 5 Juin - 10:54

excellent choix d'avatar (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart 3568682798
bienvenue parmi nous I love you
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Gaggie Faust

Gaggie Faust

◇ REGISTRATION DATE : 29/05/2016

to do list: write a new chapter □ take a break □ move on to lyssa's home
availability: soon open - .../3
beating heart :

(Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart   (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart EmptyDim 5 Juin - 11:04

sophie ma ginger déesse je l'aime elle (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart 2275449164
bienvenue (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart 590640078 (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart 1784228365 (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart 238204747
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Toby McGrath
you cut me deep, it hurt to feel
Toby McGrath

◇ REGISTRATION DATE : 25/05/2016

to do list:
beating heart :

(Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart   (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart EmptyMer 8 Juin - 15:34

ton délais pour ta fiche et ta réservation s'achève aujourd'hui. Tu peux demander un délais de trois jours supplémentaire pour la finir, si tu ne veux pas voir ta fiche archivée et ton compte supprimé.  (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart 2193134034
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Contenu sponsorisé

(Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart   (Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart Empty

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(Sofia) We won battle but lost the heart
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 :: - we learn to live right :: remember how lovely we are :: cause I don't want to have to let you go-
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